Oriel Academy

Oriel Academy (April 18th): (Nursery - Year 6)

Year 3 & Year 5 (Grade 2 & 4)

  • 3 Notebook System (Reading, Writing and Maths)
    • Red Pen - Teacher Responses
    • Green Pen - Student Responses
      • This system creates an open dialogue between the student and the teacher. Teachers can provide feedback on student work, offer challenges and extensions when needed, and provide support for struggling students. 
      • This also provides students a chance to reflect on their work and respond to their teacher’s feedback. They get a chance to practice skills, correct mistakes and extend their learning when a challenge is needed.
    • Math problems, (extensions and practice problems), get glued into student notebook.
    • Math fact challenge/Assessments- half sheets of paper for a weekly check in. Individualized to the student and where they are at with their facts. Students get 1 minute to complete the challenge.
  • Reading Log- parents sign nightly reading assignments. Students provide feedback on what they thought about what they read. There is a documented reaction for each night of reading.
  • Standards based booklets for each child, to see if students are meeting the standard for the national curriculum. 
  • “Rubbers” are not attached to pencils, so that students cross out mistakes and attempts can be seen.
  • Technology
    • Promethean boards
    • 1 Chromebook cart for the whole school 
    • Coding class- students are learning Scratch
This was the first school we visited on the trip. This school was not unlike my own school in terms of population and socioeconomic status. I think one of the biggest positives at the school was the enthusiasm of the teachers that I spoke with. Although they do not have the support staff or consistency of special education services that we have here in Vermont, they were all very dedicated to their students. I was extremely impressed with the teachers I met and the amount of writing they had their students doing. The intervention system at this school seemed very intentional and focused, with students making significant progress during a 4 week intervention. I found some great tools and resources, along with teaching strategies at this school. One thing I wish I had been able to observe was the ICT lessons. The teacher I was working with, was the ICT coordinator at the school and was in charge of integration. I did have the opportunity to take a look at what the students were learning in Scratch and I was completely impressed. This is unlike anything we are doing at our school or even in our district.

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